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Psychedelics: Recreational Drugs or Intentional Medicines?

One of the most difficult biases for people in abstinence-based recovery to overcome can be that psychedelics have the potential to be much more than just recreational drugs. In some twelve-step meetings, it is reinforced that using any mood or mind altering substance is harmful, could lead back to substance use, and that their use may be judged as a "relapse."  Most people in recovery that have used psychedelics did so for fun; not to help them to heal.

In this video, Gabor Maté shares about his own journey of open-mindedness and provides evidence that may shift the viewer's perception about ayahuasca, trauma, and the treatment of substance use, that may help people to reframe psychedelics as medicines and healing catalysts, rather than drugs.

Psychedelic Clinical Trial Map

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Have you ever been curious about clinical trials and research studies that involve the use of psychedelic medicines as a catalyst?  Explore this incredible tool created by the University of California's Center for the Science of Psychedelics cutting-edge tool that allows you to see the current studies that are taking place, as well as those that have been conducted in the past.  

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© EntheoRecovery Solutions, LLC (2023)

All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer:  The information contained in this website is presented with the intention of demonstrating how when used mindfully, with intention, and in safe settings, psychedelic medicines can help people to heal from the root causes of substance use and to promote their overall well-being.  EntheoRecovery Solutions, LLC does not encourage the use, purchase, sale, or transfer of any substances unless authorized by law.  If you have pre-existing medical/psychological conditions and/or are taking any medication or natural supplements, please be sure to consult with a qualified medical professional before using psychedelic medicines.

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